How long does “remember me” option in 2FA last?

The “remember me” option lasts 15 days. Technically, it saves a cookie in your browser to track the time. This means you have to check the box again in any different browser and on each device you use. If your browser is set to clear temporary files when it is closed, this feature will not work.

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What is the “remember me” in 2FA?

With the 2FA “Remember me” check box, it offers a “Remember me for 15 days” option. When check this box and after successfully login with 2FA, you are not required for secondary authentication again for 15 days by using the same browser. ** Do not use “remember me” on public or shared computers/devices** The “remember […]

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How many devices can be enrolled for 2FA service?

You can register as many devices as you need. We recommend you to register at least two devices for backup purpose. You can register another device via your self-service page. For more information to manage your 2FA device, you can refer to “2FA Service User Guide”.

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