When working with shared data folders, especially when multiple users are copying data simultaneously, choosing the right command for file operations is crucial. To improve the stability and efficiency of the data folder, it is recommended to use the “cp” command instead of “rsync” or “mv”. Why Use the “cp” Command? The “cp” command is […]
Articles Tagged: Job
How to Improve Job Performance Using Scratch on HPCC
To optimize your job performance on the HPCC, it recommend using faster SSD storage directories, such as /scratch, /scratch2, or /scratch3, for your temporary working files. These directories are equipped with Solid State Drives (SSD), which provide faster access times and superior data transfer rates. Each of these directories offers 5TB of storage space, accommodating […]
How to use Job Composer to clone a Job from a Selected Job on HPCC?
The Job Composer allows you to create and manage batch job submissions through a web interface. To create jobs through Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), navigate to Jobs > Job Composer from the dashboard. Creating a Job from Selected Job: To create a new job based on an existing one, select New Job > From Selected […]
How to use Job Composer to create a Job from a Specified Path on HPCC?
The Job Composer allows you to create and manage batch job submissions through a web interface. To create jobs through Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), navigate to Jobs > Job Composer from the dashboard. Creating a Job from Specified Path: When creating a job from a specified path, please ensure that your scripts are present in […]
How to use Job Composer to create a Job from a Template on HPCC?
The Job Composer allows you to create and manage batch job submissions through a web interface. To create jobs through Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), navigate to Jobs > Job Composer from the dashboard. Creating a Job from a Template: On the Job Composer page, you can create a job from different templates. Simply navigate to […]
How to use Interactive Software MATLAB on HPCC?
In the Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), you can launch an interactive Software MATLAB on a compute node within HPCC Coral using the noVNC client through a web browser. This allows you to have full access to the resources provided by these nodes. To launch a noVNC session, click on the MATLAB icon on the dashboard. […]
How to use Interactive Software Jupyter Notebooks on HPCC?
In the Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), you can launch an interactive Software Jupyter Notebooks on a compute node within HPCC Coral using the noVNC client through a web browser. This allows you to have full access to the resources provided by these nodes. To launch a noVNC session, click on the Jupyter Notebooks icon on […]
How to use Interactive Desktop on HPCC?
In the Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), you can launch an interactive desktop on a compute node within HPCC Coral using the noVNC client through a web browser. This allows you to have full access to the resources provided by these nodes. To launch a noVNC session, Select Interactive Desktop and then choose a PARTITION (e.g., […]
How to check the Jobs Status on HPCC?
In the Open OnDemand dashboard (https://login2.coral.um.edu.mo/), you can access the Web-Based Active Jobs by selecting Jobs and then choosing Active Jobs from the menu, or simply clicking on the icon on the dashboard. It will display a list of your queued and running batch jobs on the cluster. You can easily Filter and Sort the […]
What is the meanings of NodeList (Reason) in squeue command of HPCC?
When you type ‘squeue’ command in the command line of HPCC Coral, Coral will generate the following output: Nodelist will report the computing nodes that are currently running your jobs. (Resaon) will report the reasons that your computing jobs are in the pending status. The following list out some commonly seen reasons in HPCC Coral: BadConstraints […]