Tips for creating a strong password:
- The password’s length is 9 – 30 characters.
- Include punctuation marks and/or numbers.
- Mix capital and lowercase letters.
- Include similar looking substitutions, such as the number zero for the letter “O” or “&” for the letter “S”.
- Create a unique acronym.
- Include phonetic replacements, such as “lUv2LauF!” for “Love to Laugh!”.
- Special characters can be included: ` ~ ! # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ + – { } | [ ] \ : ” ; ‘ ? , .
- Special characters cannot be included space @ = / < >
Things to avoid:
- Don’t use a password that contains personal information (name, birth date, etc.)
- Don’t use words or acronyms that can be found in a dictionary.
- Don’t use keyboard patterns (asdf) or sequential numbers (1234).
- Don’t make your password all numbers, uppercase letters or lowercase letters.
- Don’t use repeating characters (aa11).
- Don’t reuse passwords.
- Don’t use the same password for different accounts.
Tips for keeping your password secure:
- Never tell your password to anyone (this includes significant others, roommates, Siri, etc.).
- Never write your password down. Never send your password by email.
- Periodically test your current password and change it to a new one.