How to allow hidden activities or resources to be accessible to students?

Video tutorial ( If your browser cannot play this video properly, please click the below button to play. ) Step-by-step tutorial Enter the course and then click “Turn editing on” on the top right menu. In the course outline, click “Edit” of the hidden activity/resource. Then click “Make available” in menu. Copy the link and share it to students. […]

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How to change course format to Weekly Format or Topics Format in UMMoodle?

Video tutorial ( If your browser cannot play this video properly, please click the below button to play. ) Step-by-step tutorial Enter the course and click “Edit settings” on the top right menu. In the property “Format” under “Course format” section, choose “Weekly format” or “Topics format” from the pull down menu. Click the button “Save and return” to confirm the change.

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How to change Course End Date in Weekly Format and Topics Format in UMMoodle?

Video tutorial ( If your browser cannot play this video properly, please click the below button to play. ) Step-by-step tutorial Enter the course and click “Edit settings” on the top right menu. In the property “Course end date” under “General” section, click the calendar icon to select the date you prefer. Click the button “Save and display” to confirm […]

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What is the course classification in the dashboard of UMMoodle?

The course overview block is improved to enable students to check their course progress and view upcoming deadlines. And it allows teachers to easily see activities needing grading. In new course overview block, the courses are classified in three sections “Current”, “Future” and “Past”.   “Current” section: The course must be not yet completed and […]

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How to add weeks/topics in UMMoodle?

Video tutorial ( If your browser cannot play this video properly, please click the below button to play. ) Step-by-step tutorial Enter the course and then click “Turn editing on” on the top right menu. Scroll down to the bottom of the course. Click “+Add weeks” / “+Add topics”. Input the number of weeks/topics and click the button “Add […]

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Why recipients cannot reply my emails sent via UMMoodle? The “From” address is “” but not my own email address.

In UMMoodle, email are sometimes sent out on behalf of a user (e.g. Forum posts and Message). “” will be used as the “From” address when a user chooses to keep their email address private. If you want recipients to reply directly to your email address, please modify your “Email Display” option in your profile.  Video […]

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How to submit my Mahara page to the assignment in UMMoodle? (For student)

Remark: There are two types of Mahara page submissions – with page locking and without page locking, depending on how your instructor creates the assignment. For Mahara assignment with page locking, you will no longer to modify your Mahara pages which you submitted to Mahara assignment in UMMoodle. Please refer to your instructor for the submission types. Share […]

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How to create a “Drag and drop into text” exercise in UMMoodle?

Enter your quiz, and click the “Edit quiz” button. Click the “Add > a new question” button. Select “Drag and drop into text” and click “Add”. Input “Question name” and “Question text”. Use double square brackets [[n]] with a number in place of the word you wish the students to find. In the “Choices” section, […]

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How to create a multiple choice exercise in UMMoodle?

Enter your quiz, and click the “Edit quiz” button. Click the “Add > a new question” button. Select “Multiple choice” and click “Add”. Input “Question name” and “Question text”. Input the options and select at least one of them to be a grade of 100%. Click “Save changes”.

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