
Video tutorial

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Step-by-step tutorial

  1. Enter the course, and then click “Turn editing on” on the top right menu.
  2. In the course outline, choose a Week/Topic and click “Add an activity or resource” button.
  3. Select “Quiz” on the left menu, and click the “Add” button.
  4. Fill the Name and click the “Save and return to course” button.
  5. Enter your quiz, and click the “Edit quiz” button.
  6. To add a new question, click the “Add” > “a new question”, and choose a question type in the pop-up box. Then, click the “Add” button to create a new question. You can edit the question in next page.
    – For details about creating “Multiple choice” question, please visit here.
    – For details about creating “Drag and drop into text” question, please visit here.

