Either of Adobe account or UMPASS account is required to access the Adobe Creative Cloud All Apps for Shared Device installed in ICTO Computer Room. Instruction below show how to sign-on Adobe with UMPASS. Step 1: Access one of the Adobe applications, “Sign in” page will prompt for login, click “View more” and select “Continue […]
Category: Software
Lotus Notes Client(1)
Microsoft 365(6)
Office 2013(18)
Staff Software(5)
Windows 10(8)
Windows 11(8)
How to install software without administrative rights?
Overview In order to comply with security best practices, ICTO is committed to preventing administrative staff from installing unauthorized software and reducing security vulnerabilities and data leaks caused by malicious software and changes to system settings. ICTO will adjust administrative staff computer permissions to standard user levels. If administrative staff needs to install software, please […]
What is current Microsoft 365 Storage Quota Limit?
Microsoft has announced that it will change its charging policy for M365 services for higher education institutions worldwide, and will charge based on our data storage capacity of M365 online service. ICTO has reassessed the usage of these services and has decided to change the personal storage quota for UM@Connect and OneDrive. We will maintain […]
How to compress PowerPoint file?
To view file size in PowerPoint 1. Click the “File” tab in the Ribbon. 2. Click “Info“. In the “Properties” area, file size is listed in “Size“. If the file is big, you can compress the audio and video and/or picture. To compress audio and video 1. Click the “File” tab in the Ribbon […]
How to use SAS University Edition in Computer Room?
To run SAS University Edition in Computer Room: Double click “SASUniversityEdition” on desktop and VirtualBox will be opened for import virtual appliance. Click Import and wait for about 2-3 minutes. (Optional) If you need to access/store files on local system, select the SAS University Edition virtual image in the left column of VirtualBox, and then click Setting. […]
How to activate Windows 10 (Work at Home)?
Read More →How to install OCR plugin in Foxit PhantomPDF?
English OCR has been installed with Foxit by default. For the other language OCR, please refer the following steps to install. Open Foxit PhantomPDF. Switch to the Help page, click on the Install Update. In the open file dialog, browse to OCR plugins folder. Select the fzip files and click Open. The default path of OCR […]
How to combine shapes to create a custom shape in PowerPoint 2013?
Merge shape helps you to re-combine the build-in shapes in office 2013 to create an ideal shapes for you. Draw a shape. Select the shapes to merge. On the [Drawing Tools] tab, click [Merge Shapes], and then pick the option you want. If you want to use the shape later, right click it and select […]
How to play background music during the PowerPoint 2013 presentation?
On the [Insert] tab, click [Audio], and then click [Audio on my PC]. Locate and double-click the music file. On the [Playback] tab, click [Play in Background].
How to use Flash Fill in Excel 2013?
Flash Fill You may need to separate first and last names (or product names and numbers, or any other data) into separate columns. New Excel 2013 feature Flash Fill can help you quickly fill in all the data. Flash Fill can recognizes your data and follow its pattern, and then enters the rest of your data in […]